Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It WAS a happy day.

SO Mother's Day....

There was no breakfast in bed. (I had really hoped my kids would continue that particular tradition!!) I bought my own gifts. (I felt guilty spending $$ on hanging plants--so my kids "bought" them for me...) I did get to sleep in and later accomplish things that really needed to be done. (Like unpacking more boxes...) So I was happy. It was good.

Until dinner time. The TEEN had just gotten his first paycheck Fri. He hinted at buying me some things that I hinted were probably not a good idea. (Like fish for my aquarium--he would have kept them in the baggie while he worked--then walked home...I hinted that they might not quite survive...) I hinted that a smallplant or some seeds would be great.

Well, he got home considerably late from work. Given his dunder-headed 16 yr old behavior of late, I was a bit concerned. And then he handed me a package and a card. The card had seeds and was funny. ("I would win on Survivor after raising him...") The package was PHENOMENAL. What was inside was nice and really thoughtful: he replaced my Ipod headset after he didn't put mine away and they disappeared. What REALLY got me was that he walked a few miles out of his way to obtain them. His first paycheck and he spent almost a 1/4 on his mom--and expended considerable effort to do it.

Beats the hell out of breakfast in bed!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a heads up in case your readers are interested in replacement iPhone Headsets for their iPhone, iPod, or Mac.

3:06 PM  

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