Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Merry.

Well, life is busy and I really only use this to kvetch. (Don't pretend you didn't notice.)

Now, no I haven't had NOTHING to kvetch about, unfortunately. I just am too sapped to write about it.


Now some of it is my job. High stress. Asshole boss. Crappy subordinates (mostly). If it weren't for my assistant and my former bosses, I would have been back in grad school by now. I cried at work. Know me, know I DO NOT DO THAT. EVER. NEVER. I make it through this, I can write my own ticket: "she worked for HIM and even got THIS accomplished..." (Yup, he's well known...which doesn't make me feel much better right now.)

The other parts are harder to define. People are utterly backward here. Like turn the clock back 20 yrs backward. Sexism. Racism. General ideas. I watched in amazement as an old boys network voted in a guy who has declared bankruptcy and has his kids on public assistance AS OUR NEW MAYOR. (Dude, can't manage yourself--CAN"T MANAGE MY CITY!!) Yup, it's like that. I miss diversity.

The teen is being--a bad teen. He mangled our vehicle. While I'm really happy the only damage was to the vehicle, I'm fairly certain he lied about what happened. Sideswiping a concrete barrier at 60 mph does not tear a 4-5 inch piece of metal off the side of the vehicle. You can see where it started as a much smaller pt and got larger before if gouged in and took off a nice, straight strip. The way those barriers are constructed do not allow for would be a more squashy looking mangle. So, while I am glad he didn't hit concrete at 60 mph (I think it would have been worse...) he is probably lying to me AND did something STUPID with a vehicle.

I don't think I like his girlfriend. I'm fairly certain she is manipulative in a really bad way, and also has problems with truth. The family is kind of trashy. The house on the block that you look at while approaching and think "NOT THAT ONE, NOT THAT ONE." Her mom is nice enough, though. She's done the MOTHERS united thing, which I appreciate! Just not anyone I'd hang with. (First time I met her boyfriend, he was so absolutely crass that it was ALL I could do to be civil in their house. Yes, it was late and he'd been drinking, but this was WAY OVER THE TOP. even for this former punk girl...)

The hubster started back to work. 20 or so hours a week. This is good, because I really didn't know what to do about him. I love him, but I feel like I'm a meal ticket. He wasn't going to school because THEY had messed up his paperwork (AGAIN???!!!) I made it through 3 different colleges w/o this happening... hmmm. Really nothing is being done unless I nag. Then I'm the nag. I really don't know what to do about it. I'm thankful I have him, but gods...

I just took some vacation time to recharge, clean the house, and catch up. I hope it works. I'm stretched thin here. It's funny, but I AM learning a lot about myself. THis kind of growth is hard. I look back on previous stressful situations and think "wow, that wasn't too bad, even though it seemed it" I grew and learned how to deal with it. Now I hope I am finished growing and that THIS is really as bad as it gets.

SO that's it. THis latest kvetch. It's not Christmas-sy. It's filled with angst and heartache. It'll get better. It always does. Getting it out helps.


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