Sunday, April 24, 2005

Disjointed adoption story

I had this in edit mode, not certain if I ever wanted to potentially share this with a bunch of strangers. I decided that this was basically an online journal begun because a friend posted something private and I was grateful to know her better. So, potenials, here you are, a glimpse of a place not many people go.

I visited my sister and my biological mother Sunday. I've only known them for 2 years. I haven't seen them in quite a while, so I was a bit afraid that we would have to rebuild and things might be awkward.
Not so. It was almost like the last year hadn't happened. I'm not certain what a "normal" sibling relationship is like, but seeing her is like seeing an old friend. Comfortable.

My reunion story is a pretty and short one. I've heard they can be rough and REALLY LONG. I certainly wouldn't recommend anyone looking if they were not in a very comfortable, stable place in their life. I was, and it still was harrowing. One day I wanted to know RIGHT NOW. The next I was unsure. When I finally found someone who may be related, I completely lost it. I cried because they might be. I cried because they might not be. They were. I experienced all sorts of emotions that I can not begin to describe.
It was my sister. She had started looking for me in 1999. I found her post on a page listing my birth date in the right city. It also had a birth name, which was nothing I had seen before. (I had a college stats course that came in handy there. I crunched numbers and figured that we had a pretty good chance of being related.) Then came the day I FINALLY received the confirmation. If I had stayed with my biological family, I would have been Treva. I like that name. Irish and unusual. (I look so darn like a fraulein that I would have never guessed!)
At first, before we got confirmation, she sent pics. Her and her mom. I was certain that these people were NOT related. (Hubster reserved judgment. He went into MAJOR protective mode!) They looked nothing like me! I sent some back. They were certain we WERE related. Turns out, we do look quite a bit alike. Good, cuz she's pretty cute.
When I met them, it was so weird. I looked like someone. I had, when young, searched stranger's faces for recognizable features. Now,I had someone's knees, hands, eyes! It was the first time that had happened, and it was amazing. The medical history was amazing, too. No more telling my doctor that "I don't know, I'm adopted".
Turns out, we had very similar lives. She is a year younger, to the month. Rough childhood. Hers was worse. I felt bad that our mom hadn't given her up, too. She always wished that she had been adopted out, too. We both went through a weird early twenties phase of extremes. We both ended up with 3 sons. We think a lot alike. We both felt gratitude that our early years had shaped us the way it had, because we like who we are now.
My mom is a lot like my biological mom. Other than that, I can't comment here. It would feel like a huge betrayal to both of them to tell strangers of their issues. Suffice it to say, they both have a few. I've learned quite a bit about myself and what NOT to do from both of them. They also both have good qualities that they have passed on. They each have a special place in my life.
I feel very fortunate to have found them. I'd like to be closer to my sister. We missed the adolescent fighting and sharing of clothes. We missed clinging to each other when neither of us had anyone else. I don't want to miss anymore.


Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

So wonderful! Mate's Dad has spent years looking for sibs. Just found one two years ago. He is in his 70's, sib a little younger but they really enjoy each other. You have years yet with the sis, go for it!

5:28 AM  

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