Monday, January 16, 2006

Karma happens

So, since I found out the budget for the program I work on for the federal government was SLASHED dramatically, I've been wondering what exactly will happen. The budget supports the federal program and that of 3 states. Well, yesterday I found out. MI got their comeuppance.
They had an opportunity, even though we were FAR behind this bug, to make a difference. Instead they used the money given them as a welfare/jobs program, promoting many to middle management. They also floated many other programs on this money. (When I worked for them we had a BIG in-service for all programs. We spoke about the program for 1/2 to 1 hr on one day--thus justifying that everyone in every program draw their salary for the day from my program budget....)
Instead of actually regulating the articles that spread the pest, they ignored that part for 3 years. It was only last year, after WE had been doing it for them, that they realized that they looked REALLY BAD and future bad things could happen, that they began. They started a turf war and messed up a bunch of positive influences on the industry that we had carefully cultivated. SO rampant were they would visit a company, contract in hand--sign here...AND they misinformed the companies about OUR rules and regs.
For the last year, the one "gateway" they could successfully hold was under-defensed. They stopped commercial shipments well, but were not able to even affect the flow of noncommercial stuff because key head "diplomats" did not do their job and mesh another dept. with theirs, ensuring cooperation and compliance. In short, they couldn't play well with others.
So, now we are all operating on less than what MI usually gets. And I found out that they are getting a mere smidgen of THAT. BYE BYE program. What's really fun: I think I get to be there when they find out what they get. I'm practicing my poker face.
I'm guilty about NOT feeling guilty. The only ones I feel sorry for knew that they were limited term employees anyhow. My previous colleagues made my life hell. While I'm afraid of karma hitting me if I actively HOPE they all lose their jobs, I won't bring myself to feel sorry for them if they do. And I don't see how they can't.


Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hang in there kid. Watch the karma!

7:58 AM  

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