Thursday, April 06, 2006

I really HATE my IT guy.

I hate going to him so that I am subjected to his rude, abusive behavior. I hate the way he acts superior just because he knows about computers. Let me clue everyone in here: IT’S HIS JOB TO KNOW THIS!! I have no doubt that if I took some classes and spent every second on the computer as he does, I could do it, too. I’d like to see him run some electroporation experiments, or do any nursing, or convince people that they don’t want to break the law and explain the intricacies of the federal regulation I enforce--without training. Bloody assjack.

I had written his behavior off as typical “IT guy”. UNFAIR. Sascha certainly is not like this. Garth and Tom, other dear IT friends, are the antithesis of this moron. He just doesn’t know how to function. I started to treat him like I do every other person and hold him accountable for normal, human behavior. Superior?? Ha, You can’t even function around people, buddy. You are the definition of inferior creature.

To get a good picture in your head, combine Uncle Fester and Gollum (not only looks, but CHARACTER). You’ve got him. Now you can place him in his spot—the server closet. Never has the lights on, because the glow of three monitors is obviously enough to bring out the pasty white. Responds mostly in grunts and monsyllables. God help you if he does decide to speak—negative, mean, and racist.

Yup, I really hate my IT guy.


Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I hate your IT guy, too!

make model year of car, mad.....

5:34 PM  
Blogger Nathan said...

Doesn't do well socially? Comes off superior? Sounds like the autistic spectrum to me. Instead of hating, try understanding. Then again, I don't want to stop you from getting off a good rant, either - those can be cathartic.


10:40 AM  

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