Sunday, August 21, 2005

Wanker radar

I guess I am a bit naive. I was very unhappy when I figured this out, but now I'm proud that I am not old and jaded. I intend never to be. I will bask in the fact that I will be the most genuine, friendly person possible with no agenda whatsoever.

Why the grim thoughts? My vacation. I am involved in a hobby that many other people belong to-- worldwide, even. I just spent the last 10 days camping with about 13,000 people. As with any organization that involves many, there are amazing group dynamics to watch. As a person who held a very powerful position last year, and may again, I watched. I watched people try to curry favor; I watched people try to reach around with a knife. Sadly enough, some of these people were those I had thought of as friends. I thought these people liked me for me and that I was just lucky enough to meet them because of that position. I thought my "wanker" radar was adequate.

So, my radar is beefed up. You may argue that that is jaded. I would say that it is just gilding on the rose.


Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Sounds like a nasty dose of real life with people who have their priorities wrong.

So sorry and how is puppy? Love puppy stories. Did he eat your bed yet?

6:04 PM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hey, I stopped by your Mom's and found out you were there and didn't come see me!

I know, been on nasty vacation, just picking up kids, wanna get home, but I am so sad to have missed you!

Call me next time and I will come meet you someplace1

8:54 AM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hay, where'd you go?

9:31 AM  

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