Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Improbable Pal

I met her through work--the year long really intense training program. She is from Florida. We didn't do any of the "colleague dance" that I see many people do ("worried about a career, am I letting this person REALLY in?" kind of stuff), there was immediate recognition that we would be friends.

She is well-traveled; she's lived in a few countries, and visited many more. 6 yrs younger than me; tiny and GORGEOUS. Well off parents; ivy league college. Our upbringing and life up to now really have been pretty much polar opposites.

Most of my friends have been forged through common bonds, trials, and tribulations. There was something there in the beginning, and we built on that. The last person I had this kind of spark with was Aimless. (We met 21 yrs ago this Halloween. We were introduced and immediately bonded by changing clothes behind a car.)

I really don't understand this one; but I appreciate it. She really enriches my life, and I'm lucky to have met her.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


I just found an old boyfriend's blog. Sascha, you know the one...the narrow escape. It was gratifying but sad to see that the people who I had pegged for mediocrity, are, well, mediocre. (yes, sad. I'm not a TOTAL vindictive bitch!!) How do you stay there forever??

I have turned my back on that life with good reason. It was like running a Flintstones car on a treadmill. The only thing I miss is the creativity. My new Improbable Friend (who I'll blog about later) is helping with that!

I love my life now. I travel extensively with the hobby and work; I have friends around the world from it. THere is really nowhere I couldn't go and find someone I know. I love my job. I'm doing things that are worthwhile, "saving the world" kinds of things. I am currently writing national policy. I love the Hubster and Family. They are wonderful. My friends are excellent. All contributing to society in some manner...

One of my friends,who is a lot like me, tells the story of going to lunch with her boss and colleagues. She was leaving when someone called out her name. She turned and recoiled mentally with horror to see a remnant of her past--still looking like they lived there. She replied, "I'm sorry, you must have the wrong person", turned, and left.

I understand.