Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Idiots reduced me to pirate speak!


I just moved into a new office, recently-- to a temporary spot until they build me an office.
This office had wanted more space, but couldn't get cleared for it, until I came along. (I'm not their dept. , we are just renting space.) My physical presence allowed them to put in 3 new window offices and a conference room.

How do they show their thanks?
1. Plan to put me into a CUBICLE in what is basically a hall.

2. Informed me last Fri. that the construction was beginning. The answer to my direct question of "should I pack up now, because I am going to D.C. week of 17th?" was "not yet, we'll let you know". Today I came back to my office to access and print a document for tomowrrow am and I HAD NO POWER OR INTERNET. The rest of the office was gone. My lone temporary cubicle with all my stuff was left. I had to do overtime to get back up and running , so I can make it to important appointments ---and then pack up to move to the LUNCH TABLE until they finish.

I made certain to go to the people responsible and left my business card with the cell info THAT THEY ALREADY HAD, so that they can contact me if they need to disrupt my entire life again.



Sunday, October 09, 2005


Took the pup out for an event yesterday. (Hobby involves a bunch of people.) I want a well socialized dog, so I take him as much as possible. Several things came out.
1. People are really afraid of big dogs. My 6 month puppy is well over 100 lbs and larger than most adult dogs (and some adults...) People approached with extreme caution--or went well out of the way to avoid him. It doesn't seem to matter that I may have one of the most submissive dogs EVER and a harsh look is enough to make him run for cover...
YAY. This is why I wanted him. He doesn't need to be mean--just daunting.
2. People who DID approach LOVE HIM!!!! He had throngs of adoring public ALL DAY! Kids rolling on him, women fawning, men playing....He was in heaven. People I know didn't say hi, but went for the pup. People I didn't know came over in the droves to meet him.

This dog had his day. I suspect that he may have more.

Monday, October 03, 2005

darn 100+ lb puppy

took out my knee at a full run last week.

Meeting the orthopedic guy that rebuilt the hubster's knee next week. Hopefully it isn't too drastic.

Good news is that it feels better after he bumped it (into place?) yesterday.