SO it HAS been the season for renewing/reaquainting, etc.
The Littlest was really unhappy because the Middle went to a cousin's and he didn't. The hubster called to report that he spent a while in a corner sulking and eating chocolate. So, we spent some quality time when I got home. His choice? (Inspired by Aunty Mel's gift of personalized aprons....) Cooking. While operating the mixer, he showered me in flour. SHOWERED. Then proceeded to blame it on me...."HA HA, Messy Mama!"
It was in this state that I took The Teen to the ER after he got back from a jog, complained about abdominal pain, then asked if the blood was normal. (Not saying ANY more, since it would be entirely embarrassing to him...) I'm in ultimate MOM mode, completely trying to be calm, while visions of horror run through my mind.
It's 10:30 at night, I'm covered in flour and scared as shit as we entered. There are a few people in the waiting room, so I know it will be a LONG night. We are called in to the triage area and who is the nurse? HMMM. That would be the guy in high school whose brother I dated (before he died an untimely death due to carbon monoxide.) AND IS HE STILL HOT!!! And just as nice. He wants to get together for lunch, so I gave him my card. He asked about the hubster, so, in my usual manner (mouth engaged before brain...) "He's a" OMG I can't sat HOT, I haven't seen this guy in like 20 yrs! "baldie like you."
Strangely enough it did calm me down quite a bit...AND he fast tracked us into a room--where they did unspeakable things to my kid involving a swab. I stepped out for that one. When I came in, he was pale and not terribly happy. Even more upset when they said something about taking blood: " they taking it from..." GULP "PLEASE TELL ME IT'S FROM MY ARM!!!!"
So, I've been teasing him about his "road rash" (apparently not an unusual thing for runners)
So, I ran into the old friend, called him a baldie, and had my kid treated for road rash and STD's ("just in case")....all covered in flour. I think he'll call for lunch TOMORROW.