Indiana has, prior to today, given us the warm fuzzy.
We are adjusting, after a bit of culture shock, to small town life. The neighbors (despite dropping in on us DURING the home inspection, prior to the actual sale....) are great so far. Everyone is friendly.
The Teen is adjusting well. He's enjoying the noteriety of being the new kid from the bigger city. He is amused by the "country kids" and their soft ways: "they make a big deal out of NOTHING". He also laughs at the gangsta wannabes here: "If they acted like that at my previous school they would get their asses shot." I am relieved. The new friends seem ok. The grades are back up. He's got a job he likes.
The middle child is experiencing a school bus. He doesn't really like the length of the trip home.
My job is stressfull, but wonderful and challenging. I am working at the top of my game. I am so challenged, that I will need new skill sets to meet any new challenge. That excites me. New skills!! My boss is QUIRKY. I'm quirky, so this isn't necessarily a bad thing. I just don't expect a man in his position to be so odd. He's a bit hard to figure out sometimes.
We love the new home. We REALLY love the new home. We are utterly in love with the new home, despite the 80's mauve and blue "aztec splendor" in the kitchen.
So why am I almost in tears today? It's silly, really. I'll admit it.
The Teen did laundry so he could wash his work clothes. I was impressed. He's pretty self-sufficient (when he wants to be). Yay, Teen!
Until I opened the drier and found my new, expensive silk sweater. The one I have looked for for years to find the perfect red. The one I paid full price for because I FINALLY found it. The one I was actually going to have dry-cleaned so it will last as long as possible. The one I only wore maybe 5X. Now shrunk a bit and TOTALLY faded. It looks 20 yrs old. I looked on-line and couldn't find it anymore.
So, in a flash the world de-fuzzed and all the things I've been worried about crashed on me in the form of a shrunken, faded, red sweater. The dog is displaying some aggresive tendancies--barking at people. I fear it is because of the husband and his archiac, outdated, WRONG dominance training. RED SWEATER. If I can't out-train the hubster and get the dog where he needs to be, there may be a time where I'll have to put him down. Can't have a 150 lb. dog bite someone. RED SWEATER. The middle kid doesn't seem to be as happy with his new school and still REALLY misses his old teacher and friends. RED SWEATER. The quirky boss frightens me with his odd manner. I know that he has done certain things to "test" me. What else is he doing that I'm not noticing? Am I passing? RED SWEATER. I called my mom yesterday. I am really having difficulty with her illusions of sanity; she said some things that also made me doubt others. There is no way to verify anything. RED SWEATER.
I called Ann Taylor. The nice customer service lady found several red sweaters--on sale!! I ordered 2, just in case.
I'm in UBER-training mode with the dog. "Sit" (click, treat) when someone approaches and he gets petted--no sit=no treat and no petting. "come" (Click, treat) when he does and doesn't want to..."speak" (click, treat) to show him that if he barks when I ask him to, he gets a treat; if he barks unasked, no treat, so why bother? "hush"(click, treat) after he stops barking so that he understands that asked for quiet is GOOD. He's already catching on.
Going to school with the middle kid tomorrow. I was REALLY active in the old school; he may be missing that. I can discuss with the teacher the issues. And he gets to ride home with Mom, so no looong bus ride.
Aw, well, the boss. The only thing I can do is my best and hope for the best. If I succeed here, I will be known for success in dealing with difficult personalities--in my career path, that skill will get me places!
Nothing I can do about the mum--except be glad I'm here, 5 hrs away.
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