Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day

Happy Happy

Because of the hobby, we were packing up a bunch of camping gear in the rain and driving home.

I did talk to both of my mothers.

The biological one is ok. Sounds like she's about the same. Felt guilty cuz we haven't seen her in forever. We are usually busy weekends and she doesn't drive at night. It's hard to always drag the kids to her house.

My mom sounds about the same, too. She really needs to stop drinking the crazy kool-aid. I'll be seeing them Thurs. She tried to do the guilt thing, but that can go both ways. She goes to Grand Rapids at least once a week for fun. Lansing is the same distance away...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Use your turn signal, North Carolina!!

They are INSANE drivers there in Raleigh!! No use of turn signals and people whipping from the far left in front of a lane of traffic to turn right. They are NUTS--and I drive in Detroit regularly!! They make Detroit look tame.

The business trip was neat. I have a few postitions I will be interested in, later. AND I'm pretty certain they will remember me as I had been in a Turkish ceremony and the henna remained on the hands. The bad thing is that they will remember me as the wackado from MI with the henna on the hands...(Boy, did I scrub--to no avail!)

I like NC. The women, in general, are fantastic. Southern style venom is delivered with a sweet voice and a charming smile. I managed to fit RIGHT IN.

The best part is how long they experience spring. I was sleeping with my screen door open.

Trying to end up there...