Sunday, November 26, 2006


What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?

You will perish of fits. Repeat this to yourself: "Things can work out even if I don't get my way. Things can work out even...."
Take this quiz!


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Saturday, November 25, 2006

3 left turns make 1 right....

Ok. Occasionally I wonder how I got HERE.

Yes, the obvious: hard work and a good brain....

But, I'm HERE and it feels like most of the people from my past are THERE. HERE and THERE being separated by light years....

I hope they are happy THERE. I'm pretty happy HERE. The Hubster is HOT. My family rocks. I have the coolest dog ever. I like being financially stable, and even occasionally fluid. I love my big, roomy house. I have earned respect and love from amazing people. I have accomplished exciting things--and my career is just beginning.

Nope, never want to be THERE again.

But, I still wonder. I wonder about fate, destinty, and God. Was it one of those that determined that I would be lucky enough to be HERE? Or was it all me, making good choices (or bad choices that led to good places)?

another reason to like Ann Arbor

I again had a great time there. It's good to have friend that, no matter how long the time away, you can talk to like you saw her yesterday. And great to know that she is doing ASTOUNDINGLY well. YAY!

We visited my favorite restaurants. Gratzi--favorite because it is an early landmark in my marriage. Once went there in full length leopard 70's nightgown and flip-flops after a LONG weekend with the Hubster before we were married. I decided I LOVED Ann Arbor then, when at this nice restaurant, I wasn't out of place in vintage jammies.

And my all time favorite place...La Dolce Vita--a salacious dessert experience. Easy place to spend an evening. Coffee, cognac, the best desserts anywhere, (and occasionally) a cigar bar. One place that will be hard to replace in IN.

Cuz, yes, I'm going to put everything I've got into getting the promotion. Which will mean IN. Land of cornfields and churches.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Well, and a few brains, too.

I just read a post out in blogland that really resonated. Guy with a teen struggling to be a good parent. I went back to school to be a good example, myself.

I have made it to a point where I am really happy with things. It wasn't always so great. Single, poor mom with a high school diploma and a few college classes. No welfare--or even child support (heartless jerkoff of a sperm donor)--for us. I went back to college at 27. It was hard. I worked nights and weekends at little above min. wage to support us.

I did it. I got pretty good grades, too; I knew what the stakes were. I was .2% away from graduating with honors. I got married and had 2 kids before I graduated. I'm now supporting my family pretty well while the hubster returns to college.

I pulled myself up by those bootstraps. If I can do it...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

"Froggie likes water"

What do YOUR kids do while you aren't watching for a few?

Fueled by climbing the counter and raiding Halloween candy.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Feet firmly under

I'm finally feeling like I'm getting my breath back a bit.

I did 9 freaking weeks of business travel in the last year!! 1 week in Charlottesville, VA (best French fusion cuisine EVER!) 1 in Raleigh, NC (smells GREAT in the spring) and 6 in the D.C area (crazy traffic, really expensive to live there--and somehow I still want to go...) The last week was intermittent stays in OH, IN, and upper MI. AND if all goes well, I'll do at least a month this year.

Then the hobby--travelling almost every weekend (Fri. night to Sun...)

Boy did it wear on me! I'm trying to get over the feeling of "Ah, I'm finally home. Nope, not leaving. Not even to get milk." Seriously, once I'm home, I REALLY don't want to leave. It's taking all my will-power to go to things I really WANT to go to.

I think my family will have to be visiting me here, this year!